Jason Wible of FrenchCreek: How to Prevent Falls at Work


Jason Wible of FrenchCreek Fall Safety discusses several ways to prevent workplace falls.

Jason Wible of FrenchCreek: Identify Potential Fall Hazards

Jason Wible and FrenchCreek remind us that we can take proactive measures to reduce falls in the workplace by understanding their causes. With reliable identification, these distressing incidents no longer have to be an unavoidable hazard of any job.

An important step would be to conduct risk assessments regularly.

Daily walk-throughs are part of best practices, especially in construction sites. Safety officers or other employees can assess potential workplace hazards and find solutions. There should be a checklist for inspection. Jason Wible, FrenchCreek President, says that the checklist conditions of guardrails, scaffoldings, ladders, and personal fall arrest systems, among others, should be described in detail.

Employees should also be trained and responsible for inspecting their fall protection equipment every time they use it. These assessments can help identify and mitigate these risks before they lead to accidents. They should also be routine.

Another important part of preventing falls is to provide the right equipment that meets safety standards to your employees.

Jason Wible of FrenchCreek points out that you are responsible for providing fall protection for your employees, specifically those who work in what are classified as high-risk areas. You also must not burden workers with paying for personal protective equipment or PPE.


Take, for instance, roof workers. They need personal fall arrest systems, such as good-quality harnesses with properly installed anchorage. Harnesses should also properly fit the weight and build of workers using them.

All other equipment should comply with safety requirements— ladders, scaffolds, safety gears, etc. Ladders and scaffolds should properly stand on flat grounds for stability. Installing barriers in hazardous areas is also very important in preventing accidents. Floor holes where workers might fall should also have proper markings, barriers, or covers.

Regular training for workers is key, according to Jason Wible of FrenchCreek. Workers must always be aware of workplace safety measures, especially those at high risk. You could include some of the important areas in your training programs.

You can discuss the importance of fall prevention and how to use or operate fall protection products and equipment like ladders and scaffolds. You can also discuss identifying defective fall protection equipment and fixed ladder safety precautions for personnel using this ladder.

You must take the time to teach techniques like the three-point contact, which uses three limbs to mount or dismount from ladders or platforms, and the buddy system, especially for roof workers. Also, don't forget to give first-aid training to selected personnel and implement an emergency response system.

Jason Wible of FrenchCreek notes that you must follow through with your training programs. You should assess your workers' needs and job performance during this time. Workers should also suggest other training programs to correct anything that needs correcting.

Learn more about fall protection and prevention at job sites from Jason Wible and FrenchCreek by visiting this website.


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