Learn The Basics of Fall Protection From Jason Wible FrenchCreek


Fall protection can be tricky. Make sure you're doing it safely and effectively by learning the basics from the best - Jason Wible of FrenchCreek.

Jason Wible FrenchCreek Explains The Basics Of Fall Protection

The difference between life and death can be as simple as knowing the basics of fall protection. Fall protection is essential when working at any height, but it requires more than buying a harness or bucket truck. In this blog post, industry-leading expert Jason Wible with FrenchCreek has decided to break down the essentials you need to know about fall protection.

In 2019, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) officials reported that Fall Protection-General Requirements were the number one most cited safety violation. This worrying trend has been a major concern in workspaces ever since 2010 – it looks like we still have our work cut out for us when it comes to keeping employees safe from falls.

Falls in the workplace is more common than you think - accounting for almost a third of all deaths on the job. From ladders, roofs, and scaffolding to towering construction sites – proper fall protection is essential in keeping us safe from dangerous heights.

According to Jason Wible with FrenchCreek, the startling reality is that even falls from low heights can be life-threatening. One in three fatal construction industry falls happened at 15 feet or lower, and nearly 25% of all deadly accidents involved ladders. It pays to stay extra vigilant while working off the ground.

A proper fall protection system and training could have easily avoided workplace accidents and violations.


You can protect your hard-working team from the high risk of falls with Frenchcreek's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)-accepted Fall Protection Training Courses. Demonstrate a commitment to their safety and compliance by investing in professional training tailored for each member.

Jason Wible with FrenchCreek wants to encourage us all with a useful and memorable acronym - the ABCs of Fall Protection. Spend time familiarizing yourself with this important system, ensuring that you are equipped for safe working conditions.

The ABCs of Fall Protection

Anchor - Fall-arrest systems are only as secure as the anchor/anchorage that holds them in place. Depending on your industry and application, you'll need to choose between temporary or permanent anchors for maximum safety protection.

Body Support - Keep your body safe with full-body harnesses that link to the ultimate fall arrest system. It's designed so that you won't feel any shock when gravity takes over as your weight is spread comfortably and evenly across your upper thighs, pelvis, chest, and shoulders.

Connecting Device - Keep yourself secure when working at heights by attaching a full-body harness to an anchorage point, using devices like shock-absorbing lanyards and self-retracting lifelines (SRLs). Ensure you reamin safe with this important step.

Descent/Rescue - Making sure your workplace is free from falls and other potential hazards isn't just smart - it's a must. Jason Wible with FrenchCreek wants you to know that when constructing your safety plan, don't forget one very important letter: D. That stands for rescue devices which are used to quickly lower or raise any worker who happens to take an unexpected fall on-site. Though the tools and training necessary might be daunting at first glance, they're essential in ensuring everyone goes home safe at night, making them arguably the most crucial component of every complete fall protection plan out there.

Fall protection is no joke. Take a lesson from Jason Wible of FrenchCreek and invest in your safety by learning the ABCs of Fall Protection. An ounce of prevention goes a long way, so take some time to familiarize yourself with this essential system – accidental trips don't have to become tragedies if you stay informed.


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